Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Passover

It’s that time of year. Passover 2008. We went to my parents house for the holiday. We had my aunt, uncle, cousin Michelle and Darren for the sedar. We have always done a quick sedar, but it was even a little faster with Matthew putting his two cents in (rather loudly). Matthew was just making sure he was first in line for the matzoh ball soup he loves so much. Mom did an amazing job with all of the food. Her famous Matzoh ball soup, brisket, turkey, oven roasted potatoes, spinach kugel, stuffing, yams and string beans. We did it all over again on Sunday with family friends Barbara, Jerry, Laurie, Don and all their kids.

Chillin with my cuz

Help me I have a Yamaka on my head


Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

OMG! He is sooo cute with his Yamaka! Love the new blog!

Grant Elliott said...

Matty is so sweet! He looks more like Scott in some of these photos. Can't believe he is 2 already. Time passes so quickly. Great to see your blog and see your photos!

Mom2Girls said...

He is so cute Mara!! Sounds like you guys had a great holiday!!