Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First day at camp

Well today was Matty's first day at camp. It's the same place where he will be going to pre-school in September. An emotional day that I was not prepared for...he was crying the 1st 1/2 hour and then he was fine. There were some very supportive girls who sat outside with me while I made sure he was ok. There are 11 kids in his class and 3 teachers (they were great). We're back home relaxing for the afternoon. In the car on the way to camp....

Waiting to go in........

Saying "goodbye"-right before I let him go......

Matthew and one of his teacher's-Miss Allison

Matthew's 1st project at camp


Grant Elliott said...

The first few days are always difficult because on day 2 and 3 they realise that this is going to happen over and over - not just a one time deal. Then they learn to enjoy themselves...at least that's how it went with Cameron and Jamie. Be strong, he'll have a great time with his teachers and little friends when he's settled.
Plus, I love the fishbowl art project...so funny!

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Like Miranda said, he will learn to like it. Abby and Will still have a hard tie adjusting to GOING BACK to school after a two week vacation. You really just have to leave. The teachers know what to do, and they'll call you if it's really bad. I've never had a call. He'll be fine. The fishbowl is funny. I love the projects.